Parent Liaison
For parents/guardians of children registered in and EFSC program that have questions or concerns, we have implemented a Parent Liaison role to streamline the process for parents to have one point of contact and also to allow the coaches to focus on their primary responsibility — coaching.
We ask that all questions and concerns be directed to your liaison, and they will work to answer your questions or address issues as efficiently as possible. Please do not contact coaches or the EFSC Board directly; contact the parent liaison assigned to the level your child is registered in.
Melissa Shymko
Freeskierz / CANFREE
Susan Enskat
Bailey Spink
What is the role of the Parent Liaison?
Parent Liaisons provide a communication link between Parents and Coaches/Board during the Dryland and Ski Seasons. The primary role of a Parent Liaison is to be the point of contact for communication between parents and the EFSC Board and between parents and coaching staff. The Parent Liaison is a communication contact to bring collective concerns or questions to the coaching staff and, in reverse, to collect the opinions of the parents under the directive of the Head Coach/Board. The Parent Liaison is to act in the best interest of the skiers and the team.
The Liaison will field questions and concerns, address them immediately when possible, and bring them to the board and/or head coach when additional information or steps need to be taken.
If at the discretion of the Head Coach/Board and Parent Liaison, it is felt that the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily to all parties through the discussion with the Parent Liaison, an additional meeting or conversation will then be set up with the involved parties and the Head Coach/Board and Parent Liaison.
The Parent Liaison role is a volunteer role performed by a current board member. They are available to Parents to hear their concerns and bring these forward to Coaches accurately and in a calm, straightforward manner. All parents have the right to ask their Parent Liaison to discuss any problems with the coaches anonymously.
Tips For Parents
When concerns arise, parents are encouraged to remember the 24-HOUR COOLDOWN principle:
Many problems we get so excited or angry about do not seem important when we’ve had time to “cool down” and think matters over.
If an issue is brought to the Parent liaisons immediately, they may suggest the parent take a day to think things over and speak to them again before the matter is brought to the coach/board. When concerns are brought forward, some points to consider before having the discussion that will help everyone resolve concerns effectively and efficiently are:
What is the main point, or points, that you want the coach/board to understand about this situation?
How do you feel this problem could be resolved?
What do you want the parent liaison to do with your concern?