Our Board

President: Ryan Schauenberg

The President is responsible for overall administration of Edmonton Freestyle Ski Club (EFSC), management of coaches and liaison with the Alberta Freestyle Ski Association (AFSA).

Vice President: Melissa De Leon

In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will assume the responsibilities of the President. In addition, the Vice-President has responsibility for marketing EFSC and to be the contact for the fundraising coordinator.

2nd Vice President: Melissa Shymko

In the absence of a Past President the 2nd Vice President is to ensure continuity during governance transitions and organizational change, to help ensure the appropriate succession of Officers and Directors, to support the President in his/her role, and to provide continuity to the organization by providing historical context for issues.

Treasurer: Jocelyn Harris

The Treasurer is responsible for the overall financial health of the EFSC in respect to Planning, Tracking and Reporting.

Secretary: Heather Schmidt

The Secretary is responsible to ensure in conjunction with the President that there is an agenda for all Board and General Meetings, and that the proceedings of all meetings are documented in minutes.

Registrar: Susan Enskat

The Registrar is responsible for registration and documenting and maintaining the membership of the club.

Members at Large: Sara Hempen, Jordan Belair, and Jeremy Derksen

Members at Large participate in all Board and General meetings of EFSC. EFSC has Members at large that develop the team website, purchase and sell merchandise and clothing and run social media accounts.